Hello all, What systemic or cultural shifts are you implementing on your campus to foster a sense of belonging and flourishing for graduate students? Beyond programs and services, how are you creating environments where they feel truly integrated in ...
Hello, Many of you have expressed using Pharmedix / now BRP. Have any of you had an issue with ordering the common antibiotic Amoxicillin in 250mg and 500mg dosing with backorders occurring? If so, how long are you waiting on it to ship? Thanks! ...
Bumping to the top. ------------------------------ Blake Flaugher MPH, CHES Director, LGBTQIA Resource Center University of California - Davis Davis CA (530) 752-3378 ------------------------------
Thanks, Jennifer. Same for us. Have a great weekend! Wendie ------------------------------ Wendie Snyder BSN, RN Director, College Health Services Pennsylvania College of Technology Williamsport PA (570) 320-5234 ---------------------------- ...
Great question! Following as well! Thanks, Cathy! Wendie ------------------------------ Wendie Snyder BSN, RN Director, College Health Services Pennsylvania College of Technology Williamsport PA (570) 320-5234 ------------------------------
This is great information. Thanks, Melissa! Wendie ------------------------------ Wendie Snyder BSN, RN Director, College Health Services Pennsylvania College of Technology Williamsport PA (570) 320-5234 ------------------------------